By Carey Weiss, Director of Sustainability Initiatives.
September 21st was the NYC Climate Action Coalition meeting at Fordham University- part of New York City’s Sustainability Week. The Fordham Social Innovation Collaboratory hosted the event, which included Fordham Law Alumnus moderator Kevin Healy and panelist Mike Mahoney, from Pfizer. Other panelists were Mark Chambers, Director of the Mayor’s Office of Sustainability (shown shaking hands with Randy Mueller- GSB ’20 with alumnus Kelly Doyle -FCRH, Urban Studies ’13); Marcia Bystryn, President, NY League of Conservation Voters; and Peggy Shepard, Executive Director of WE ACT, an organization that is currently fostering the installation of 150 Megawatts of solar panels on roofs of buildings in Harlem. Additional panelists were Richard Yancey, Executive Director of the Building Energy Exchange; and Amy Turner, co-founder of the Coalition. Also shown here is GSB Global Sustainability Chair, Professor Jim Stoner, asking a question of the panel.